ECE2007 Oral Communications Bone & calcium metabolism (7 abstracts)
1Department of Endocrinology & Metabolic Diseases, The Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland; 2Department of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, The Childrens Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland.
Vertebral morphometric X-ray absorptiometry (MXA) is a new tool developed to evaluate the presence of vertebral deformities. Low dose of radiation, fan-beam and the centerline scan technique are believes more advantageous than the classic morphometry using conventional lateral radiograms. We assessed the prevalence of vertebral fractures by MXA in adult population of Łódź region as a part of Polish population studied in EPOLOS epidemiological study.
Patients and methods: 362 subjects without history of osteoporosis in anamnesis were examined [244 women, mean age 53±16 years (x±SD) and 97 men, mean age 53±14 years]. MXA lateral scans were performed using DXA system Expert-XL. Six point digitization were used to calculate the anterior (Ha), central (Hc), and posterior (Hp) height of the vertebral bodies Th4-L4. Vertebra were defined as having prevalent deformities when at least one ratio value (Ha/Hp, Hc/Hp, Hp/Hp up, or Hp/Hp low) fell 3 SD below or even more than the reference mean of that ratio at any vertebral level.
Results: 3969 vertebrae were analyzed. 126 (3.17%) vertebrae in 863 subjects (22.7% of examined individuals) were classified as deformed. In 56 subjects (69.13%) one deformity and in 25 subjects multiple deformities were detected. In 89% of fractures, mild deformities (grade 1) were observed. The prevalence of vertebral fractures was higher in women and increased with age. Th8 and Th12 were the most frequently deformed.
Conclusions: Bone studies indicated that, as in other regions of Poland, also in Łódź region vertebral osteoporotic fractures are common. Thus, the morphometric X-ray absorptiometry (MXA) seems to be a useful and safe tool in the diagnostics of vertebral fractures.