Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
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9th European Congress of Endocrinology

ea0014me1 | (1) | ECE2007

Endocrine orbitopathy

Balázs Csaba

Graves’ orbitopathy or thyroid-associated orbitopathy is the most frequent extrathyreoidal manifestation of Graves’ disease with autoimmun mechanism which is still incompletely understood. The epidemiologic data provided evidence that sever, infiltrative orbitopathy is in 3–5% of patients, the quality of life is impaired even in individuals with mild form of this disease. The anti-TSH receptor and anti-eye muscle autoantibodies have been proved to be involved in...

ea0014me2 | (1) | ECE2007

Mineralocorticoid hypertension

Mannelli Massimo

Definition: High blood pressure due to excessive activation of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR).Consequences of an excess in MR activation are an excess in sodium and water retention, an expansion of plasma volume and a depletion of exchangeable body potassium.Laboratory hallmarks of mineralocorticoid hypertension are a suppressed renin secretion and a tendency to develop hypokalemia.Causes: The most frequent...

ea0014me3 | (1) | ECE2007

Fetal programming by androgen excess

Tsatsoulis Agathocles

Fetal programming is triggered when a stimulus or insult occurs at a stage in fetal life, critical for target organ differentiation, growth and development. As a result, permanent changes in organ structure or function are induced that manifest as disease in adulthood. Impaired fetal growth or stress during fetal life and subsequent cardiometabolic disease in adult life is a well recognized example of fetal programming.Growing evidence suggests that pren...

ea0014me5 | (1) | ECE2007


Yildiz Bulent O

Hirsutism, defined as excessive male-pattern terminal hair growth in females, affects about 5–10% of the women of reproductive age depending on the population studied and the method used to determine its presence. Hirsutism is the primary clinical diagnostic criterion of hyperandrogenism. Hyperandrogenism can result from increased androgen production and/or increased sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens. The presence of hirsutism in women can lead to significant psy...

ea0014me6 | (1) | ECE2007

Differential diagnosis of hypercortisolism

Krsek Michal

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome belongs to the most difficult ones in clinical endocrinology and is essential for optimal management of this syndrome. Clinical presentation of Cushing’s syndrome and frequency of particular clinical signs with respect to their importance for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome will be discussed. Subsequently, biochemical tests used for confirmation of Cushing’s syndrome will ...

ea0014me7 | (1) | ECE2007

Endocrine disrupting chemicals: an emerging threat to public health?

Jarry Hubertus

The term endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) defines a structurally diverse class of synthetic and natural compounds that possess the ability to alter various components of the endocrine system (e.g. receptors, metabolizing enzymes, transporters) and potentially induce adverse health effects in exposed individuals and populations. Particularly the family of the nuclear receptors which include steroid receptors are known to bind many of such substances. For example, the two e...

ea0014me9 | (1) | ECE2007

Turner Syndrome (TS)

Malecka-Tendera Ewa

TS is a well defined chromosomal disorder that affects 1 in 2500 females. Its characteristic stigmata are short stature and gonadal dysgenesis with skeletal, soft tissue and visceral abnormalities. The range of morbidities has a profound impact on quality of life of patients with TS so multidisciplinary approach to the management is needed in childhood, adolescence and adulthood.The diagnosis is based on a karyotype and may be done prenatally during chor...

ea0014me10 | (1) | ECE2007

Indications, management and follow up of bariatric surgery

Fried Martin , Burguera Barto

European and world-wide obesity epidemic and continuously rising prevalence of obesity necessitates long-term efficient, economically bearable and patient safe solution. Bariatric surgery (surgery for obesity – different from lifestyle, body shaping surgery), is the most effective, low risk treatment modality for morbidly obese patients in terms of total weight loss and and long-term weight maintenance, currently available.It has to be stressed howe...

ea0014me12 | (1) | ECE2007

Stem cell therapy in endocrinology: reality and challenges

Kassem Moustapha

The aim of this symposium is to introduce and to discuss current concepts regarding stem cells and their potential use in therapy with special focus on endocrinological applications. Stem cells are defined by their ability for self-renewal and multilineage differentiation. They are classified into embryonic and adult (tissue-specific) stem cells. Derivation, characterization and testing the functional activities of stem cells in vitro and vivo will be discussed. ...