Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2007) 13

Adrian Clark, Barts & the London, QMUL, London, United Kingdom. Abstract

Adrian Clark graduated in Medicine from St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College in 1976. After several junior medical training posts at Barts, Nottingham, Hammersmith and Guys, he spent two years at the NCI in Bethesda working on the cloning of the EGF receptor with Ira Pastan, then later moved to work for three years with Kevin Catt, also at NIH, on angiotensin receptor cloning. He returned to Barts in 1991 with MRC support to set up the Molecular Endocrinology Laboratory, becoming Head of the Department of Endocrinology on Michael Besser’s retirement in 2000. His research interests centre on the mechanism of action of ACTH and its pathological disturbances and, in collaboration with Martin Savage, on the genetic basis of growth disorders. He was awarded the Society for Endocrinology Medal in 1997.

Volume 13

Society for Endocrinology BES

Society for Endocrinology 

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