ECE2006 Poster Presentations Thyroid (174 abstracts)
Christian medical college, Vellore, India.
Aim: To analyse the clinical profile in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
Materials & Methods: A retrospective analysis of case records of 232 patients who had under gone treatment for differentiated thyroid carcinoma from year 20002004 in Christian Medical College, Vellore was done and the intended data obtained using spss data.
Results: A preoperative FNAC suggested thyroid neoplasm in 60%. Total thyroidectomy was done in 97% with 82% of the subjects being diagnosed to have papillary carcinoma. About 54% had unilateral involvement. In those aged less than 45 years, Papillary carcinoma was more common (61.3%).In biopsy proven Papillary carcinoma, 9%(20) had a follicular variant and one patient had a diffuse sclerosing variant. Lymohocytic thyroiditis was reported in 9%. The extent of the malignancy did not have significant relation with the presence of thyroiditis or variants. The sites of metastasis were lymph nodes (42%), followed by lung (9. 0%), bone (8%) and multiple sites were involved in 9%. Lymph node metastasis was predominant in Papillary carcinoma (93%; P=0.000). Distant metastasis was seen more in follicular carcinoma (36.6%, P=0.000). Local infiltration was seen in 33% and found to be high in papillary carcinoma. The highest recorded Thyroglobulin value of any given patient had a significant association with metastasis (P=0.000) and with the number of ablations given (P=0.039).
Conclusion: The presence of variants or lymohocytic thyroiditis histologically did not influence the extent of the disease. Peak thyroglobulin value was a predictor of disease extent and number of ablations