Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2006) 11 P780

Military Institute of Health Services, Warsaw, Poland.

Aim: Evaluation of efficacy and safety of thyroid artery embolization procedure as a method of treatment of hyperthyreosis.

Patient and methods: Since May 2004 to July 2005 the thyroid artery embolization procedures have been performed in 9 pts (7 women and 2 men) in mean age 62.3 (44 – 77). The reason for such a treatment were: hyperthyroid goiter with the other organs compression in 5 cases, Graves disease in 2 and thyrotoxicosis type I after amiodarone medication in 2 cases. The local Ethical Commitee approval has been obtained before.

Results: There wern’t observed any serious adverse events after the thyroid artery embolization procedures. The most frequent adverse symptom was transient neck pain (in 8 pts − 89%). In one case (11%) transitory fever, and in two pts (22%) passing asymptomatic hypocalcemia (min. Ca conc. 8.1 mg/dl) occured. During the first week after the embolization maximum increase of thyroid hormones concentration was observed in every case (FT4 mean max. 3 - fold and FT3 mean max. 2.5 - fold). There wern’t observed any significant clinical symptoms of hyperthyreosis except one case - 54 y.o. man with unstable angina in a course of type I amiodarone – induced thyrotoxicosis. He was treated with two plasmapheresis procedures and with thiamazole, propranolol, methylprednisolon i.v. Eight patients (89%) was euthyroid 3 months after the thyroid arteries embolization. One patient with Graves disease needed L-thyroxin supplementation due to hypothyreosis and one patient with hyperthyroid autonomic nodular goiter needed thiamazole medication. The thyroid volume decreased by mean 37% (evaluated in CT scans). In every patient with a huge hypethyroid goiter the withdrawal of the other organs compression by goiter were achieved.

Conclusion: Thyroid artery embolization is a promissing method in treatment of hyperthyreosis, especially in patients with a huge goiter.

Volume 11

8th European Congress of Endocrinology incorporating the British Endocrine Societies

European Society of Endocrinology 
British Endocrine Societies 

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