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Endocrine Abstracts (2006) 11 P55

ECE2006 Poster Presentations Clinical case reports (128 abstracts)

Screening of osteoporosis in a small Romanian town

S Mandasescu & MM Trisca

City Hospital of Roman, Roman, Romania.

Introduction: In the last decade, after the revolution in December 1989, osteoporosis started to be seen as an important problem for the women in Romania too. This screening that last three years is trying to find the prevalence of osteoporosis and how is she influenced by different factors as: age, body mass index, smoke, coffee, and years from menopause.

Method: We have investigated 440 caucasian women with age between 30 and 80 years old divided in three lots: I – 227 women in the evidence of the Endocrinology Clinic, II – 43 women working at a confection factory, III – 70 women working at a pipe factory. The method we used is quantitative ultrasound.

All the participants were asked about: the first period, bone pain, record of fracture, the age of menopause if it was the case, if they smoke or drink coffee, if they have records of osteoporosis in family, there were established the anthropometrically parameters (high and weigh).

Results: Following the study we have accede to the next conclusions: T score value are declining with age: 24.57% of women have T score >−1, 29.38% of women have osteopenia, T score between −1 and −2.5, 46.05% of women have osteoporosis, T score <−2.5. T score values are growing up with the rise of the BMI because of the estrogens stored in the adipose tissue. T score values are declining faster at smoking persons to nonsmoking one. At coffee drinkers T score is not declining so fast to those who does not drink coffee, because the noxious effects of the coffee are evolving slower than those of the tobacco. T score values are getting worse with the years from menopause, explained by the decline of the estrogens.

Volume 11

8th European Congress of Endocrinology incorporating the British Endocrine Societies

European Society of Endocrinology 
British Endocrine Societies 

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