SFE2005 Special Interest Groups Metabolic, reproductive and cosmetic aspects of PCOS (3 abstracts)
Sheffield College, Sheffield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
For patients diagnosed with PCOS, hirsutism is likely to be identified in over 50% of cases. This, along with other distressing symptoms, can have a profound psychological effect on the patient.
My lecture will focus on the treatment of hirsutism with particular emphasis on electrical epilation- the only treatment available which has potential to achieve permanency.
I will discuss temporary methods of hair removal and their affects on both the hair and the skin, plus the implications for the patient.
I shall include a brief history of the treatment plus a full explanation of how electrical epilation achieves its effects, the use of different types of currents, advantages and disadvantages and the possibility of scarring.
Another feature of PCOS is Acne. A wide range of prescription drugs are available to treat Acne. I will look at treatment from the Beauty Therapists point of view; i.e. the different treatments available and products for use on the Acne Patient, advantages and disadvantages, plus limitations for success.