SFE2003 Poster Presentations Growth and development (6 abstracts)
1Eli Lilly and Company Limited, Lilly House, Priestley Road, Basingstoke, Hants, UK RG24 9NL; 2University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
QLS-H is a new, weighted QoL questionnaire developed for patients with hypopituitarism. We evaluated QLS-H data from UK patients in the HypoCCs International surveillance study, and compared results with a sample of the general UK population (n=1090).
The QLS-H questionnaire was administered at baseline and at yearly intervals. Scores were corrected for age and gender differences, and expressed as Z-scores based on UK-specific reference ranges. Using this method, a score of 0 is normal, and a negative Z-score indicates below normal QoL. QLS-H data from the UK patient database in HypOCCs was analysed at baseline (n=266) and after 1-year therapy (n=238).
Over 38% of patients at baseline had QLS-H Z-scores of less than minus2.0. Patients with the poorest QoL scores were those patients in the middle age bands ranging from 25 to 55y, in contrast to patients <25y, who had higher Z-scores. 82% of patients showed improvement in their QoL score, with over 29% of patients improving with a change in Z-score of greater than +2.0 and 50% of patients improving with a change in Z-score of greater than +1.0. This indicates a substantial improvement in quality of life scores toward the normal range following GH treatment.
In conclusion, UK hypopituitary patients showed a marked improvement in QoL following one years GH therapy. The individually weighted QoL tool, QLS-H, which is able to correct for age and gender effects and compare results to the general population, is a useful QoL tool for assessment of adult GHD patients.