Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0078OC9.2 | Oral Communications 9 | BSPED2021

Sex steroid priming for growth hormone stimulation testing – a systematic review

Duncan Gregor , Mitchell Rod

Background: Growth hormone stimulation testing (GHST) is used to diagnose growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in children. Given that sex steroids impact on anterior pituitary function, there is concern around the efficacy of GH stimulation testing in pre/peripubertal children, where sex steroid levels are low. Sex steroid priming prior to GH stimulation testing is thought to improve test efficacy in these children, however evidence to support its use in clinical practice is limit...

ea0021s8.3 | Role of the circadian clock in endocrinology | SFEBES2009

The adrenal clock: impact on adrenal steroidogenesis

Kiessling Silke , Eichele Gregor , Oster Henrik

In mammals, a master pacemaker residing in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and subordinate clocks found throughout the body coordinate circadian rhythms of behavior and physiology. One prominent physiological rhythm is the release of glucocorticoids (GCs) by the adrenal gland, brought about by the rhythmic activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (hpa) axis and the secretion of ACTH from the pituitary. In humans, blood GC levels peak in the earl...

ea0041s29.2 | New insights into the pathogenesis of PCOS | ECE2016

Energy balance and androgens

Duncan Colin

PCOS is associated with increased androgens, elevated insulin and obesity. As obesity and androgens promote insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia increases ovarian androgen production, and the likelihood of obesity, the interaction between these factors is complex. We investigated the development of insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism and obesity using a clinically realistic ovine model of PCOS. Exposure of the pregnant ewe to increased testosterone from d62 to d102 of gest...

ea0031mte8 | (1) | SFEBES2013

Nanometre-resolution imaging of hormonal secretion in living cells in real time

Duncan Rory

Biochemists have defined a probably complete catalogue of proteins involved in insulin secretion. Similarly, over the last two decades, biochemists and physiologists have defined the physical characteristics of different types of ion channels that underlie normal pancreatic beta cell physiology. What is missing is information describing the ‘wheres and whens’: where are these proteins (i.e. not just for example on the surface of a cell, but how are the single protein...

ea0063p504 | Calcium and Bone 2 | ECE2019

Effect of zoledronic acid on trabecular bone score and other markers of bone health in heart transplanted patients

Rakusa Matej , Vrtovec Bojan , Poglajen Gregor , Jensterle Sever Mojca

Objective: Trabecular bone score (TBS) is associated with an increased risk of prevalent and incident fractures. It has a role of fracture assessment in secondary osteoporosis related to diabetes, acromegaly and hyperparathyroidism and in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. However, it is understudied as a marker of bone health in heart transplanted patients. The aim of our pilot study was to evaluate the effects of zoledronic acid (ZA) on bone health including TBS in this po...

ea0041ep715 | Male Reproduction | ECE2016

Association between low testosterone and graft dysfunction early after heart transplantation: results from cross-sectional study

Poglajen Gregor , Jensterle Mojca , Janez Andrej , Vrtovec Bojan

Introduction: An inverse relation was found between testosterone and vasculopathy of the allograft in heart-transplanted men. We evaluated the correlation between serum testosterone levels and graft function early after heart transplantation.Methods: In a cross-sectional study serum total testosterone levels prior to hospital discharge (19±3 postoperative day) was determined in 49 consecutive male patients who underwent heart transplantation between...

ea0016s20.2 | Translational highlights | ECE2008

SF-1 knockout mice as a model for hormone independent brain sexual differentiation

Spanic Tanja , Budefeld Tomaz , Grgurevic Neza , Tobet Stuart , Majdic Gregor

Animals that are not exposed to endogenous sex steroids during development provide an important model for studying hormone independent development of brain sex differences. Due to gonadal agenesis, male and female steroidogenic factor 1 knockout (SF-1 KO) mice are born phenotypically female. Normally, they die shortly after birth due to adrenal insufficiency. Early corticosteroid injections followed by adrenal transplantation can maintain SF-1 KO mice into adulthood. As severa...

ea0086p68 | Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes | SFEBES2022

The perils of steroids and salt in Covid-19 associated Diabetes

Biaye Abraham , Browne Duncan

Background: Following the RECOVERY study, dexamethasone is prescribed for patients requiring inpatient treatment of Covid. Cases of new and atypical diabetes have been reported during this pandemic. The risk of steroid induced hyperglycaemia is well recognised but other metabolic sequelae less so. We present a patient who developed severe hypernatraemia following commencement of dexamethasone.Case Report: A 44-year-old man (unvaccinated) was diagnosed wi...

ea0086p229 | Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes | SFEBES2022

FreeStyle Libre 2 use in non-diabetes setting – A case of post-bariatric surgery dumping syndrome causing severe hypoglycaemia in pregnancy

Biaye Abraham , Browne Duncan

Flash glucose monitoring has increased dramatically in patients with diabetes since the introduction of the FreeStyle libre 2 (FSL) incorporating hypoglycaemia predictive features and an alarm system. A 31-year-old lady, gravida 2, para 1 presented at 26 weeks’ gestation following a car accident where she fractured clavicle and navicular. She reported blurred vision and subsequent collapse whilst driving (with her daughter as a passenger) prior to the accident. Paramedics...

ea0031apw1.1 | Digital copies: exploiting numerical models of biological systems | SFEBES2013

Modelling neuroendocrine systems

Leng Gareth , MacGregor Duncan

In recent years, the increasing availability of massive computational capacity has reached what may be seen as a ‘tipping point’, bringing once unimaginable computational power into the lab. This is enabling models to be built, fit and refined during experiments, making predictive models that are powerful tools for hypothesis generation and testing. Neuroendocrine systems are at the forefront of these advances. Because of the exceptional opportunities that they offer...