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Endocrine Abstracts (2023) 90 EP706 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.90.EP706

1Federal University of Sergipe Campus São Cristóvão, Department of Medicine, Aracaju, Brazil; 2University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 3Federal University of Sergipe Campus São Cristóvão, Psycology, Aracaju, Brazil; 4The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA; 5Federal University of Sergipe Campus São Cristóvão, Aracaju, Brazil

Population aging has become a universal worldwide phenomenon. Developing countries (such as Portuguese-speaking countries, with a high rate of illiteracy) will see the greatest increase in the absolute number of elderly people, and dementia disorders will pose enormous challenges to public health in these countries. Although the decline in GH secretion with age has been associated with deleterious conditions of aging, our understanding is the opposite, that the decline in GH secretion attenuates the harmful consequences of aging (1), as shown in a cohort with a lifelong congenital, and untreated isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD), living in Itabaianinha, Brazil, the largest Portuguese-speaking country. These individuals exhibit normal lifespan and extended healthspan, that is, the period of life free of major chronic clinical diseases and disabilities, thus requiring an assessment of cognitive performance in the elderly. The aim of the present study was to translate and adapt a Portuguese version of the Independent Cognitive Literacy assessment (LICA). The study was carried out in five stages. In the first stage, a psychologist and a psychiatrist translated the instrument from English to Portuguese, maintaining the meaning and structure of the original version. This translation was proofread by an English teacher. The second step was the cultural adaptation, carried out in an interdisciplinary way by 15 authors, including a nutritionist who proposed common food terms in the interior of the Brazilian Northeast, generating the second consensus version after some changes of words and images, to become familiar in the local context. The third step involved an evaluation round with two judges (independent psychologists), who approved this version. In the fourth stage, the instrument was revised by two senior authors, one psychiatrist and one endocrinologist, thus establishing the final Portuguese version of LICA. In the fifth stage, a pre-test was carried out to verify the understanding of the questionnaire, with five illiterates who understood and approved the instrument, which was later applied to 15 elderly people with isolated growth hormone deficiency and 15 local controls, in which we calculated the test score reliability, by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, based on all LICA standardized items, which was 0.76, indicating good instrument reliability. We conclude that the Portuguese version of the LICA is a reliable instrument, available to be used in this IGHD cohort, as well as in the cognitive assessment of any groups in internal medicine or psychology.

Reference: 1. Aguiar-Oliveira MH & Bartke A. Endocr Rev. 2019;40(2):575–601.

Volume 90

25th European Congress of Endocrinology

Istanbul, Turkey
13 May 2023 - 16 May 2023

European Society of Endocrinology 

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