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Endocrine Abstracts (2022) 81 EP303 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.81.EP303

Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, Endocrinology and Nutrition, León, Spain

Background: Sarcopenic obesity(SO) is an entity characterized by excess fat mass(FM) and low muscle mass (LMM) and function. Excess FM itself can lead to loss of muscle mass and function at any age. The combination of obesity and sarcopenia is a proven risk factor for frailty, comorbidities and mortality. New diagnostic criteria have been developed for this entity.

Aims: To assess the prevalence and severity of SO with different indices by DXA, in a group of individuals with high-risk obesity(HRO).

Methods: Prospective observational study of individuals with HRO(BMI>35 kg/m2) under follow-up by the obesity unit of the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León. We collected demographic and anthropometric variables, body composition by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA, A Lunar Idxa; GE Healthcare, USA), hand grip strength(HGS) (Dynex®, DynExgrip) and physical performance with the timed up and go test(TUG). For the diagnosis of LMM with DXA, the equations appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM;lean mass arms and legs–bone mass arms and legs), appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (ASMI;ASM/height2), total skeletal mass index (TSMI; TSM/height2, TSM:ASMx1.33), lower extremity skeletal muscle mass index (LESMI;LESM/height2, LESM: lean mass legs–bone mass legs), appendicular lean mass index (ALMI;ALM/height2, ALM: lean mass arms+ lean mass legs), skeletal muscle mass index (SMI;(ASM/weight)×100) and appendicular lean mass/weight (ALM/W;(ALM/weight)×100) were used.

Results: 124 subjects were included, 71.8% women, mean age 42.6 (SD 9.0) years, mean BMI 46(SD 5.2 kg/m2). The cut-off points and percentage of patients diagnosed with low strength, muscle mass and low physical performance are shown in the table below.

DiagnosisVariablesCut-off pointFemale(n = 89)Male(n = 35)Total(n = 124)
Low muscle functionHGSFemale<16 kg.Male<27 kg13.5%(n = 12)17.1%(n = 6)14.5%(n = 18)
ASMFemale<15 kg.Male<20 kg6.7%(n = 6)2.9%(n = 1)5.6%(n = 7)
ASMIFemale<5.5 kg/m2.Male<7 kg/m20%5.7%(n = 2)1.6%(n = 2)
TSMIFemale<6 kg/m2.Male<9 kg/m20%2.9%(n = 1)0.8%(n = 1)
LLMLESMIFemale<3.7 kg/m2, Male<5.1 kg/m20%5.7%(n = 2)1.6%(n = 2)
ALMIFemale<5.45 kg/m2.Male<7.26 kg/m20%2.9%(n = 1)0.8%(n = 1)
SMIFemale<23.5%.Male<29.9%100%(n = 89)100%(n = 35)100%(n = 124)
ALM/WFemale<19.4%.Male<25.7%83.1(n = 74)97.1%(n = 34)87.1%(n = 108)
Low physical performanceTUG>10 seconds&unix2794;Falling risk21.4%(n = 19)
31.4%(n = 11)
24.2%(n = 30)
SeverityLow hand grip strength+Low physical performance4.5%(n = 4)11.4%(n = 4)6.5%(n = 8)

Conclusions: The prevalence of low muscle mass with DXA varies according to the parameter and setting used. The adjustment of DXA-derived parameters for muscle mass, should be made according to the investigated cohort in terms of ethnicity, BMI, sex and age range. In this population, if we take into account the two criteria; muscle mass (with SMI) and muscle function (HGS), 13% of women and 17% of men will have sarcopenia, 4.5% and 11.4% severe sarcopenia respectively.

Volume 81

European Congress of Endocrinology 2022

Milan, Italy
21 May 2022 - 24 May 2022

European Society of Endocrinology 

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