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Endocrine Abstracts (2018) 56 EP63 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.56.EP63

1Endocrinology Service, Hospital Universitari Arnau Vilanova, Lleida, Spain; 2Institut de Recerca Biomedica, Lleida, Spain; 3Pneumology Service, Hospital Universitari Arnau Vilanova, Lleida, Spain; 4Hospital Universitari Arnau Vilanova, Lleida, Spain; 5Medicine Department, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain.

Results: Main clinical, analytical and polygraphic data: 58.1±6.4 years, body mass index 32.4±5.4 kg/m2, 70.4% female, HbA1c 8.0±1.9%, AIH 27.4 events/hour (in the range of severe sleep apnea and hypoapnea index), and CT90% 32.9%. Nocturnal concentration of urine total metanephrines were higher than diurnal levels (226±12 vs 98±13 μg/l; P=0.085). In addition, its nocturnal concentration was significantly associated, in a positive way, with both the AIH and the CT90; however, this association disappeared when the diurnal concentration was evaluated. Furthermore, nocturnal concentration was also associated with a decrease in resting parasympathetic tone. In the multivariate analysis, the concentration of urine metanephrines at night independently predicted CT90 (P=0.016).

Conclusion: We suggest that the increased sympathetic activity previously described in patients with T2D is mediated through the deleterious effect of diabetes in nocturnal breathing. In addition, sympathetic activity is associated with disorders of autonomic tone at resting, suggesting a new pathological pathway between T2D and cardiovascular risk.

Volume 56

20th European Congress of Endocrinology

Barcelona, Spain
19 May 2018 - 22 May 2018

European Society of Endocrinology 

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