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Endocrine Abstracts (2015) 37 EP430 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.37.EP430

ECE2015 Eposter Presentations Diabetes (complications & therapy) (143 abstracts)

COMMODITY12 telemedicine system is effective in primary care setting in patients with type 2 diabetes

Krzysztof Lewandowski 1 , Maciej Mazurkiewicz 2 & Przemyslaw Kardas 2

1Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, The Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland; 2The First Department of Family Medicine, The Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.

Background: The COMMODITY12 is a telemedicine system designed for continuous monitoring of diabetes type 1 (DM1) and DM2, as well as the cardiovascular comorbidities. The system has been created in collaboration of nine European academic and industrial partners under FP7 (

Aim: The aim of this study was to assess clinical utility of the COMMODITY12 system in DM2 patients, under a design of a mini feasibility trial.

Methods: Sixty outpatients from Lodz region (central Poland) with DM2 were randomly ascribed to either control arm (n=30), in which they received standard care, or intervention arm (n=30), in which they used COMMODITY12 system for daily monitoring of their diabetes-related parameters (glucose level, blood pressure, weight, ECG, heart rate, mobility, a range of lab tests, and adherence to medication). All patients were monitored for a period of 6 weeks. Primary outcome measures was system operability and whole trial feasibility, defined as harmonic technical functioning of all layers of the system, and appropriateness of the personal health system (PHS) for patient use, respectively.

Results: In general, the COMMODITY12 system functioned well, with only some problems with transmission of the data from ECG sensor to the hub. Patients accepted telemedicine system well, and found it to be helpful in self-management of diabetes. System was effective in collecting and analysing data related to both diabetes, and comorbidities (such as hypertension, arrhythmias, or sleep apnoea). In some patients using COMMODITY12 system, trend toward better metabolic control was also observed, as compared to their previous results, as well as to the control group.

Conclusion: These results point at the usefulness of COMMODITY12 system in diabetes care. Further studies on larger groups are warranted to determine the effect of the system on clinical outcomes, as well as its cost-effectiveness.

Disclosure: This Study was a part of the Commodity12 Project (COntinuous Multi-parametric and Multi-layered analysis Of DIabetes TYpe 1 and 2, EU 7th framework programme.

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