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Endocrine Abstracts (2006) 11 P197

ECE2006 Poster Presentations Clinical practise and governance (36 abstracts)

Early detection of diabetic autonomic neuropathy with a new device

M Fevre-Genoulaz 1 , MJ Lafitte 1 , SS Srikanta 2 , L Punitha 2 & S Vidyanand 2

1Dyansys Clinical Research Unit, Geneva, Switzerland; 2Samatvam Endocrinology Diabetes Centre, Bangalore, India.

Introduction: Diabetic patients are at high risk of developing diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN). The aim of this study was to compare autonomic scoring and measurements from a new device the ANSiscope™ (Dyansys, Inc) of diabetic patients who do not suffer from DAN complications. Method: After approval of the Ethics committee, 18 diabetic patients (mean age 48±7.5) without any complication due to DAN were included in the study. They all underwent 3 standard autonomic tests:Valsalva Manoeuvre, Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, ratio 30:15 and blood pressure fall after tilt test. Classification between healthy (H)/early(E) and advanced(A) DAN was deduced from scoring as described by Bellavere et al. The ANSiscope™ computes a percentage of dysautonomia from a recording of 571 RR intervals recordings for patients at rest in supine position. They are then classified as having healthy(H)/early(E)/late(L)/ advanced(A) or most advanced(MA) DAN. Resting heart rate was used to confirm parasympathetic dysfunction in patients with advanced DAN.


Patient classification (number of patient – group)
ANSiscopeTM2 H3 E4 L9 A (incl.2 MA)
Aut. scoring2 H3H3 H+1 E5 H+4 E
2 MA patients had a resting heart rate > 100 beats/min.

Discussion: Autonomic scoring was only able to detect 2 groups of patients: 13 H and 5 E whereas the ANSiscope™ detected 5 groups: 2H, 3E, 4L and 9A (including 2 MA cases). The results obtained by the ANSiscope™ were stable and reproducible. The 2 MA cases had a resting heart rate > 100, which confirms parasympathetic dysfunction. These cases were classified as healthy by autonomic scoring.

Conclusion: When no complication indicates a dysfunction of autonomic nervous system and autonomic scoring detects only early stage of DAN, the ANSiscope™ was able to classify the patients in a reproducible manner. This device may be a useful tool to assess DAN in patients without clinical complication and help stratify patients at high risk to develop these symptoms.

Volume 11

8th European Congress of Endocrinology incorporating the British Endocrine Societies

European Society of Endocrinology 
British Endocrine Societies 

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